Share ideas that inspire. FALLON PLANNERS (and co-conspirators) are freely invited to post trends, commentary, obscure ephemera and insightful rants regarding the experience of branding.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Politics 2.0: Motivequest Tracks Political Brand Advocacy
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/24/2008 10:14:00 AM 7 comments
Labels: Barack Obama, Election 08, Measurement, metrics2.0, Politics 2.0
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sign of the (mobile) Times
Great image from NYT. Succintly outlines the opportunity and hazards of the coming age of mobile.
*btw Fallon Brainfood: Mobile 10 trends coming soon.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Culture Dispatch: "Trouble the Water" Interview
I happened upon a screening of "Trouble the Water" last weekend while in Boston. The documentary follows Kim and Scott Roberts, a husband and wife living in the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit. Unable to leave the city, Kim takes her camcorder to the streets to document the mood of her neighborhood before the storm and the unfolding disaster as Katrina strikes and the levees fail. The film later follows Kim and her husband as they search for opportunity and a new start in the aftermath of the storm.
Fallon Brainfood: Latin America in the Age of Web 2.0
Fallon strategic planner Aki Spicer presents a micro-serving of Brainfood, with this quick look at Latin America in the Age of Web 2.0. This is a brief overview of social media and mobile trends for the LatAm market (a complex market made up of many countries and varied conditions). This is hardly an exhaustive analysis, it is meant as a intro and primer.
Takeaways from the presentation:
+Connected: Web usage is growing at a fast clip throughout LatAm
+Social: Social networking is experiencing rapid growth in LatAm
+Fragmented: Social networks in LatAm are fragmented and varied by each country - no dominant leader
+Mobilizing: Mobile penetration is exploding - more than broadband. And for many, the web has always been mobile
+Smart: Phones are getting smarter as more people demand functionality
+Shift: Social networking, TV, and purchases will continue to migrate to mobile devices
+Evolve: Cultural mores are evolving, and people are embracing new ways that challenge the traditional institutions
+Participate: The way forward for marketers is to design marketing that adds value to people’s lives and embrace participation
La Caida de Edgar is an example of how ideas spread among people on the social web...
…and savvy brands like Emperador are joining this conversation and participating.
Brainfood is a monthly all-agency lunch conducted by Fallon Planners. Wide-ranging topics explore trends, business issues, and actionable opportunities for our brands.
A deeper dive into La Caida de Edgar phenomenon by Rocketboom
*Some good resources for LatAm and Web 2.0 data and insights include Analytics2.0 and ComScore
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/19/2008 08:56:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: collaboration COMMUNITY2.0 USERCREATED USERGENERATED web2.0 MASSINTERACTIVE SOCIAL10 MOBILE10, fallon brainfood, latam, latinamerica, socialmedia, WEB2.0
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Oasis Takes Upcoming Album to Streets (of NYC)
Oasis taught street musicians throughout NYC to play their unreleased songs.
Flickr group links, fans are encouraged to submit their photos here
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/18/2008 11:47:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: generosity, Mass Interaction, Web 2.0
Social Web Amplifies AIG Advertising Ironies
AIG's ad message irony: a theme of 'Strength to Be There' sparks a campaign pullout. But the social web never forgets as links and WOM spreads virally.
And this blogger received a direct mailer (and topped Digg ranks yesterday) from AIG asking: "If Disaster Strikes, Will You Have The Protection You Need?".
Perhaps marketers will need to audit their brands' vulnerability in a worst case scenario where the product/company can't deliver on the ad message - in a big public way. This, of course, is the eternal bane of advertiser's existence - the nagging worry that "what if my client can't deliver on our big brand idea?"
via AdAge and
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/18/2008 08:52:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: "Don't Panic", aig, Bankrupt, Debt Freedom, Hactivism, Panic Button, social10, Transparency, Truth Awareness
Free Hugs
...Imagine if your Brand had done this?
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/18/2008 08:10:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: generosity, good, social10, viralvanguards
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Social Media is the New CRM
Noticed yesterday that Home Depot is now on Twitter and answering questions in the vein of Frank over on ComcastCares...I thought this post was a succinct display of the Generosity, CRM responsiveness, and "added value" derived from HomeDepot's social media efforts.
More models for how brands may upgrade CRM and advance value on the social webs.
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/11/2008 08:54:00 AM 7 comments
Labels: generosity, good, LIFELOGGING, Lifestreaming, Social Networking, social10, twitter
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Virtuality: Image Metrics' "Emily"
Emily here is explaining why Image Metrics, an animation company, is better than motion capture.
The video's biggest selling point is the fact that Emily isn't a real girl at all, but rather the latest and greatest display of technological advances in CG and animation.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Innov8: The Onion on Product Innovation
At what price our never-ending "forward advancement"? The Onion shows us the future of product innovation: "Domino's Scientists Test Limits Of What Humans Will Eat"
Domino's Scientists Test Limits Of What Humans Will Eat
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/09/2008 09:31:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Conscientious Consumption, Innov8 (or Die), Innovation
Monday, September 08, 2008
Community 2.0: Entourage on Whrrl
New social net Whrrl (think Yelp! meets Facebook meets Brightkite/Dodgeball meets Dopplr) is trying to gain groundswell with a nifty collabo with HBO's Entourage. Befriend the crew and get personal guides/recommendations/reviews of LA from the characters like they were "real" people.
More examples(+/-) of social media blurring the lines for "fictional" characters (stay tuned for a Case Study and vid of our own activity with Sci-Fi Network's Eureka TV show.
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/08/2008 04:39:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: Mass Interactive, MOBILE10, social10, TVNEXT
Friday, September 05, 2008
The Feast
"The Feast" on October 16th in NYC will gather 150 of the world's leading creative mavericks, entrepreneurs, revolutionaries, radicals, and innovators together to inspire action to change the world.
A series of inspiring, mind-expanding, and innovative talks that will showcase a look at social innovation from all angles. From design to business to science, our speakers will share a deep look at changing the DNA of their respective industries by harnessing the power of creativity to propel social change. Some confirmed speakers include Dale Jones of PlayPumps International and Tom Szaky of TerraCycle.
Whether you're a social entrepreneur or socially conscious at heart, "The Feast" will provide you with an excellent platform for inspiration, connection, and action.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/05/2008 02:14:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Conscientious Consumption, good, planning for good, social entrepreneurship, Social Networking, social10, thefeast
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Twittering the RNC
I am attending the RNC tonight and will be twittering live from the Xcel center. I've never been to a party convention before and am curious to see what it's all about. It should be good ...
Check for a planner's perspective on the convention at:
Web 2.0: Advertus Interuptus
Google released a teaser comic about their latest develops, Google Chrome browser. Besides the fact that I want it (not avail yet) and this mode of Simplexity communications (think CommonCraft) are increasingly necessary in the modern age...
Most intriguing for advertisers are page 23's implications:
I think this page is a really simple metaphor and explainer to clients for just how Web 2.0 has/will continually handicap the classic, long-held interruption model of advertising.
Note other trends of this sort on Facebook such as the new "thumbs up/thumbs down" ad options for voting "irrelevant" or "uninteresting" advertising out of your social life.
As predicted (endlessly) by many of us, WEB 2.0 IS ENABLING PEEPS TO SHUT OUT THE UNWANTED (SPAM) OUT OF OUR LIVES. And the passkey back in won't be in trojan horses and increased noise, but rather: offering up generous value.
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/03/2008 08:09:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Ad Agency Deathwatch, Disintermediation, generousity, google chrome, Shift Happens, Simplexity, WEB2.0
Monday, September 01, 2008
Politics 2.0: Sex Ads in Denver Up During DNC
Timeless behavior, perhaps, but now enabled and amplified by social media - CNet says: Sex Ads in Denver Up During DNC
"Ads seeking casual sexual encounters through the Denver Craigslist site increased an average of roughly 70 percent to 80 percent over the same days of the week earlier in August."
The general content is what you might expect. Posts suggested "Here 4 DNC? Come get sexual with me"; "Does the DNC make you hot?"; and "Looking to service a young Democrat."
And CNet offers this fair disclaimer: "mere correlation does not imply causation - other factors could explain this rise in advertisements." True, indeed. And I would also add to this disclaimer that increased ad spending doesn't necessarily mean increased sales resulted, either. Advertisers could, perhaps, have been pitching to an indifferent target base who were far too busy to care. If anyone has ROI research data on this feel free to post your charts. Will keep eyes peeled for RNC comparisons.
via Adlab
Posted by AKI SYSTEMS 2600 at 9/01/2008 11:19:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: dnc convention, Politics 2.0, rnc convention, Social Media, Social Networking